- hypsography
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English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
Hypsography — studies the distribution of elevations on the surface of the Earth, and is sometimes applied to other rocky planets such as Mars or Venus. The term originates from the Greek word polytonic|ὕψος hypsos meaning height. Most often it is used only in … Wikipedia
hypsography — [hip säg′rə fē] n. [ HYPSO + GRAPHY] 1. the science of measuring the configuration of land or underwater surfaces with respect to a datum plane, as sea level 2. the configuration of such surfaces; topographic relief 3. the representation or… … English World dictionary
hypsography — hypsographic /hip seuh graf ik/, hypsographical, adj. /hip sog reuh fee/, n. 1. a branch of geography that deals with the measurement and mapping of the topography of the earth above sea level. 2. topographical relief, esp. as represented on a… … Universalium
hypsography — science of measuring heights Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
hypsography — n. branch of geography that deals with the mapping and measurement of high places … English contemporary dictionary
hypsography — [hɪp sɒgrəfi] noun the study and mapping of the relative altitudes of different areas of the earth s surface. Derivatives hypsographic adjective hypsographical adjective … English new terms dictionary
hypsography — hyp·sog·ra·phy … English syllables
hypsography — /hɪpˈsɒgrəfi/ (say hip sogruhfee) noun a branch of geography which deals with the measurement and mapping of areas of the earth s surface with reference to sea level. {Greek hypso(s) height + graphy} –hypsographic /hɪpsəˈgræfɪk/ (say hipsuh… …
hypsography — n. topographical relief, and its observation; the representation of this in maps. ♦ hypsometry, n. measurement of heights above sea level. ♦ hypsophobia, n. dread of heights … Dictionary of difficult words
hypsography — n. a description or mapping of the contours of the earth s surface. Derivatives: hypsographic adj. hypsographical adj … Useful english dictionary
Texas Natural Resources Information System — Infobox Company company name = TNRIS company company type = State Government foundation = Austin, Texas (1968) location = Austin, Texas, USA key people = Jim Scott, Director industry = Geographic Information Systems (GIS) products = Historical… … Wikipedia